Featured in: Episode 23
Card Captured: Song
Contains: Pink Hat with Music Note, Beige Neckpiece, Long-Sleeved Pink Dress with Music Note, Purple Frilly Slip, Beige Stockings, Beige Cuffed Gloves, Pink Slip-On Shoes with Straps.
Check Point: Music Notes

Kero's Item: Cap
Kero Omakase: "Hey Hey Hey! This time we sealed off a card by sneaking into a school at night. This is the battle costume for today. Since we were going into the music classroom there are musical notes across the chest area and on the hat. These are called eighth notes. Eighth notes, did you know that? Be careful not to mistake them for fourth notes. How was that? Now you know a little bit more about music. I know so much that there is nothing that I don't know! See ya!"